Bibliotherapy Zine #3

In two weeks, it'll be the six-month anniversary of Lockdown S01E01. Also, six months of chasing the blues away, one book at a time.

Thank you for reading :)

~ Reader-in-Chief


roamer wanderer nomad vagabond department

And the earth becomes my throne
I adapt to the unknown
Under wandering stars I've grown
By myself but not alone
I ask no one...

And my ties are severed clean
The less I have, the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign
Roamer, wanderer!
Nomad, vagabond!!
Call me what you will...” ~ James Hetfield / Lars Ulrich || Metallica

This day last year, was pretty sweet for Alec. Relive his experience immersed in a 'lucky crowd', before the concept became an oxymoron...

"Where I lay my head is home, yeah"

Alas! For some of us, only the memory remains...

Ash to ash... Dust to dust... Fade to black...

...of a nightmare in Gurgaon, circa 2011.

Anyway, Hetfield & Co are no longer the unforgiven. S&M2 makes up for everything. Nothing else matters.

Also, here's presenting the introductory post from my secondary ScrollStack...

...created in order to host tales from a 36-month-long 'gap year' - for your reading (and my writing) pleasure.

Full Disclosure - URL inspired by...

soviet kid-lit treasury department

Remember this guy?

"...I know Nothing"

Maybe you knew him by another name...

"I knew nothing... long before Jon Snow"

It's not your fault if you don't recall Nikolai Nosov's brilliant creation. Probably you weren't even born when the Mites of Flower Town vanished off the face of the earth post the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991.

It has been almost three decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union, but its children’s books still fire the imaginations of those who grew up reading [them]. The glossy books, with their touching stories and fascinating illustrations, served as a sort of connection between distant lands sharing a belief system.

The last of them arrived from Moscow in 1991 and gradually disappeared from bookshelves over the last quarter century, save for an odd library or in a bibliophile’s collection.” ~ TA Ameerudheen,

Thanks to my folks, fifteen of these rare literary treasures can still be found in my personal collection...

...and one by one, are being digitally restored for the enjoyment of your kid(s)/ the kid within you.

Links to further issues will be updated in The Bibliophile's Guide to Dunno...

And now...

department of delayed responses

“In the last two decades, as we all started carrying smartphones around, it became technologically possible to reach one another instantly. But we never paused to assess the expectations that might come with that possibility and whether we’re on board with them.

We never came to cultural consensus on whether we want to be reached as much as we can be, and whether we want to respond as quickly as we technically can.

And we forgot, maybe, the unique opportunities afforded by ssss-looooo-www corresponding — the time to let thoughts swill; the joy of stepping past legato-style daily updates, into reflective catchups about long spans of living; the chance, even, to miss one another.” ~ Rega Jha

One of the few times when one is reminded that the Times of India isn't all about the ads...

Also, the next time you wish to apologize for a late reply, unless it's an emergency situation, don't!

fryed elementary department

“The pairing of [Stephen] Fry and [Sherlock] Holmes is a bit of a marriage made in heaven. Fry’s Holmes is sharp-witted and mercurial, though not especially idiosyncratic: quite right, as he is merely being reported by dear old Watson.

But Fry’s skill in phrasing and articulation over the whole 72 hours is beyond praise.

How he relishes a sentence like "The conversation, which had roamed in a desultory, spasmodic fashion from golf clubs to the causes of the change in the obliquity of the ecliptic, came round at last to the question of atavism and hereditary aptitudes."

Every consonant in place, every phrase perfectly shaped and filled with sense.” ~ Simon Callow, The New York Times

If you haven't created an Audible account yet, no better time than now! Treat yourself to 72 hours of Stephen Fry breathing new life into the legendary detective's casefiles.

Listen to an excerpt below...

As a trial offer, Audible gives you at least one credit - which can be redeemed to download any audiobook for free.

It doesn't take a Sherlock to figure out that this is the greatest value-for-money deal of all time.

back to school department

“All this trying to be quirky / engaging business to hack the algorithm doesn’t matter, because as organic reach increasingly moves to zero (on every single platform, not just Facebook), the best efforts will come to nought.” - Deepak "Chuck" Gopalakrishnan

Last weekend, after a gap of ten years, I re-entered a classroom, albeit virtually, to upskill my rudimentary digital marketing know-how...

*Mostly No-Faff

50 points to Chuck for relevance! And a bonus twenty for this particularly fascinating pre-session read - a prescient article written by Chris Anderson in 2004, now more relevant than ever!!

humans of bibliotherapy department

“Why do I act like this, agreeing when I really disagree, letting people force me to do things I don't want to do?”~ Haruki Murakami, The Strange Library

Join the Murakami Reading Club on Instagram hosted by Nikita the Book Elf and explore his surreal bibliography with a bunch of other cat enthusiasts.

Read Now on Kindle --> September's Reads - The Strange Library || 1Q84 (Book Two)

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⁉️ Tell me about your most favourite Murakami book! ⏩ Swipe to see what our club members have got to say about our #MurakamiReadingClub June BOTM: Kafka On The Shore Book Review: Magical Realism refers to the genre which categorizes books that are a unique amalgamation of fantasy and realism. Books under this genre highlight the bizarreness in a rather dull and realistic storyline and that is exactly what Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore does. “It's like Tolstoy said. Happiness is an allegory, unhappiness a story”, and Kafka on the Shore is a story. If you are a fan of Greek mythology you would be familiar with the myth of Oedipus who is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Kafka on the Shore draws a spectacular yet an altered analogy from this tale. The story is about a 15-year-old runaway boy named Kafka Tamura and parallelly about a man in his 60’s named Satoru Nakata who is mentally impaired. The stories of both these characters are told in alternating chapters. Though these characters never meet, their experiences and actions are intertwined and affect each other in confusing ways. Imagine holding a prism against light – you see a blend of different colors refracting from the surface – such is the story of Kafka on the Shore. The story is not a straight line, but a beautiful blend of surreal dreamlike experiences running parallel to the character’s distorted existentiality. The characters seem to be stuck in an infinite loop of time thus creating a dream-reality confusion in the mind of the reader. As a reader you accompany the characters throughout their journey helping you seek answers to questions they ask. [Cont. in comments] #thegoodinfluencerproject #theb00kstagram

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It certainly helped me cross Kafka off my tsundoku list earlier this strangest of summers...

Come say hi :)

SCROLLSTACK goodreads department

Now browse a list of the 50 most-recently active creators on -

Latest feature on ScrollStack

“I prefer walking alone to walking with others. That ladybird or the wild rose would escape my attention if I was engaged in a lively conversation with a companion. Not that the ladybird is going to change my life.

But by acknowledging its presence, stopping to admire its beauty, I have done obeisance to the natural scheme of things, of which I am only a small part.

Contemplating that tiny creature, or the flower on which it rests, gives one the hope— better, the certainty—that there is more to life than interest rates, dividends, market forces, and infinite technology.” - Ruskin Bond

“Think about an online marketplace where you go and find short stories listed. Some are independent of franchise context, some belong to a particular series (Byomkesh Bakshi?) and all stories are brand new.

You read excerpts and click on the buy button next to the stories you find interesting. You pay… what? about 10 rupees for a story and it is added to your library.” ~ Vijayendra Mohanty (2013)

“What does Sherlock Holmes do in these stories that he doesn’t in any of the other Holmes stories?
- 'The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier'
- 'The Adventure of the Lion's Mane'” ~ Simple Interest

And on that note, signing out. Once again, thank you for reading :)

Until next week...

Name. One book/author/topic on your reading list for 2021. Email. Phone number (optional). That’s all.
Sign up below to READ MORE this year and beyond... :)

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