Bibliotherapy Library Membership FAQs

"As we grow older and realize more clearly the limitations of human happiness, we come to see that the only real and abiding pleasure in life is to give pleasure to other people." ~ P.G. Wodehouse

2020 has been seemingly equivalent to fifty-two years, not weeks, resulting in most of us witnessing the limitations of human happiness as closely as possible.

Commemorating the end of the strangest year in our lives (till date), this 52nd ScrollStack post invites you all to become a member of Bibliotherapy Library, an experiment designed to nudge you to read more in 2021 and beyond.


Below, you will find a bunch of questions answered in order to shed some light on this 'sanity' project of mine...

Happy End-of-2020, and as always, thank you for reading :) ~ Nitin

Q1. What is Bibliograph... umm, sorry... Bibliotherapy?

Bibliotherapy (noun) - ‘The use of books to aid people in solving the issues that they may be facing at a particular time.’
- First coined during the trying times of World War I (1914-18).
- Often misread by the human brain as bibliography due to no fault of human.
- Introduced to me by this brilliant article read in March 2020...

Q2. What is Project Bibliotherapy?

On 22nd March, 2020, in an attempt to chase the lockdown blues away, I created an Instagram account for -
- showcasing the books I've had the pleasure of reading, providing plenty of nudges to pique someone's interest to pick them up - quotable quotes, facts, suggested further reading, screen adaptations, links to the authors' public profiles etc, etc.
- and indulging in experiments involving content creation - spread across a potpourri of interests and inspired by a motley of experiences from saner times...

Read the complete Origin Story on Linkedin (900 words)

I stumbled upon ScrollStack in June and since then, I've been utilizing its extensive creator-friendly features to further build an eclectic library of content. For a glance at the variety of randomness on offer, check out...

I also tweet sporadically...

Q3. What is Bibliotherapy Library?

Over the course of the past nine-odd months, more than two thousand individual nudges to read more have been published so far on Instagram and ScrollStack.

With attention spans plummeting in this era of limitless content (mostly noise) and notorious social media algorithms, it's even more necessary to minimize time spent scrolling aimlessly and maximize reading.

To ensure a steady supply of handpicked goodreads, you can opt to become a member of Bibliotherapy Library and receive a friendly nudge (or two) to read more...
- via a daily message in a private WhatsApp window,
- and through Bibliotherapy Zine, a weekly magazine delivered straight to your E-mail inbox every Thursday.

Q4. How do I sign up to become a member?

Name. One book/author/topic on your reading list for 2021. Email. Phone number (optional). That’s all.
Sign up below to READ MORE this year and beyond... :)

Q5. I'm not comfortable sharing my WhatsApp number. Is there another way to receive daily nudges?

Although your number will not be shared with ANYONE, your concern is understandable. You can sign up for daily nudges via Sublist as well.

Q6. How much will it cost me to be a Bibliotherapy Library member?

Membership is free :)

However, you can support Project Bibliotherapy by -
- Spreading the word within your extended networks, online and offline.
- Purchasing a recommended book (or few) for yourself or someone else using the affiliate links embedded in posts.

Q7. Who runs Project Bibliotherapy?

It is a single-person initiative managed by me, a reader for over three decades and counting. For a glimpse at my reading journey so far, check out my debut ScrollStack post...

Here's my current reading list for your perusal as well...

Once again, wishing you a happy End-of-2020 and a 2021 full of pleasure, reading and otherwise. Cheers. Till next year :)

Name. One book/author/topic on your reading list for 2021. Email. Phone number (optional). That’s all.
Sign up below to READ MORE this year and beyond... :)

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Project Bibliotherapy

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Edit- We have moved to Razorpay for payments within India. For readers outside India: Sign up for $25/year to unlock access to the following benefits Benefits: 1. 42: The Curious Reader's Companion (5 Volumes) - Swipe and tap to access a selection of 42 hand-picked reads, across genres, by 42 different authors in each volume + podcasts, videos, bonus links, writing prompts, and more. 2. Paid Access to the Readers of 42 Library on Substack from now till December 31, 2025 - Receive nudges to read from our Reader Companions via email as part of our monthly Readathons in 2024 and weekly Readathons in 2025. 3. Access to the 'Readers of 42' WhatsApp private broadcast - Stay updated through our admin-only group. (No spam, we promise) 4. Priority invitations and special prices for our offline and online Reader Experiences - Meet fellow readers at our Guided Reading Meditations, bookstore mixers, and live streams. Also, cohort-based courses launching soon. 5. Monthly virtual Reader meets

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